We Live Our DNA.
We Live Innovation!
Jörn Plettig
Dr. rer. medic.
Patentanwalt (German Patent Attorney)
European Patent Attorney
European Trademark Attorney
European Design Attorney
In medicinie and science since 2008
In IP since 2011
Firm Position
Site Manager
Senior Associate
Biology, Berlin Freie University
Berlin, Charité
Legal Areas of Expertise
Due diligence
Quality Audits
Technical Areas of Expertise
I studied Biology at the Freie Universitaet, Berlin, with special emphasis on genetics, molecular cell- and human biology. I broadened my knowledge of Life Sciences by repeated visits to the University of Pittsburgh, USA. As part of my doctoral thesis, I worked on various innovative therapy concepts for skin cell regeneration of burn patients, including the spray application of the patients' own freshly isolated skin cells in an intraoperative setting.
My expertise lies, amongst others, in drafting / prosecuting patent applications and with opposition and patent litigation matters. Moreover, I am well familiar with international patent prosecution, portfolio management and lifecycle strategies.
R&D in the fields of regenerative medicine, dermatology, tissue engineering and burn therapies; development and testing of different porcine wound models; animal study with 12 pigs and inter alia an experimental growth factor; clinical trial with a burn patient; testing different skin cell spray-application techniques